Lyse Prendergast Lyse Prendergast

Explaining Black Bass Management on our Lake

With the support of our association, an ongoing project is working to collect information to help improve the management of black bass on Big Rideau Lake. For some great insights into this project - how it works and what it could mean for lake stakeholders, take a look below at the video the team has recently released.

Big Rideau Lake is among the most heavily “fished” water bodies in all of eastern Ontario with bass fishing tournaments occurring from season opener to late fall. Dr. Steve Cooke’s lab at Carleton University, led by MSc. student Alice Abrams, utilizes fish tracking devices to monitor post-tournament dispersal and seasonal distribution of largemouth and smallmouth bass. 

Have you taken the survey yet? One component of the research is soliciting feedback from lake users. Click the link to give your input about bass populations and management on Big Rideau Lake.

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Lyse Prendergast Lyse Prendergast

Voting opens October 10th for Aviva Community Fund

The BRLA Environment Committee has submitted a proposal to the Aviva Community Fund for a research study grant - and we need your help!

If awarded the Community Resilience Aviva Community Fund grant, the BRLA will begin a research project in partnership with Carleton University, where we will be looking at the causes of some of the issues many of us have observed recently on our beloved lake:

  • Key Big Rideau Lake food chain species [golden shiner] have almost vanished over the past 3 years.
  • A significant decline of a once robust nesting and transient loon population.
  • There is a [scientifically] revolutionary and substantial change in water focused raptor local ecology.
  • A robust Double Crested cormorant colony on Big Rideau Lake had 100% mortality of chicks in 2017.
  • There is recent vast and unusual over production of lake algae with little identification of impacts, causative factors and possible solutions.

Click here to read our full proposal.

Now comes the real challenge – we MUST show our community’s support of this project. Your support is a vital component of our campaign. We’re counting on you!

Voting opens Tuesday October 10th, and ends Thursday October 19th. Each registered person has 18 votes and we ask for your support by casting all 18 in favour of the BRLA project, reference # 17-364.


1. Register NOW to vote on the Aviva Community Fund page  -

2. When voting opens on Tuesday October 10th, cast your 18 votes for the BRLA proposal. Voting closes October 19th; please don't miss this short window of time.

Remember, all 18 votes can be cast at once, there is no need to spread your voting over several days. And all 18 votes can (and should!) be cast for one project - ours!

3. Spread the word!  Ask your family, friends, neighbours, co-workers, anyone you can think of, to register now; remind them on Tuesday when voting opens, then follow up before voting closes on October 19th to make sure they voted.

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Lyse Prendergast Lyse Prendergast

Closing up the cottage tips

For many cottage owners, Thanksgiving typically signals the official end of the cottage season. In an effort to make the task of closing up as easy as possible, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority is offering up some advice on how to help avoid unnecessary expense, frustration and environmental problems. As a tip, keep a list of things you do to close up the cottage so that reversing the list in the spring will be as snag-free as possible.

Click here to read more.

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Lyse Prendergast Lyse Prendergast

6th annual Heritage Symposium in Smiths Falls celebrates ‘Living on the Rideau Canal’

The sixth annual Heritage Symposium will centre on “Living on the Rideau Canal”.

The event, put on by Heritage Smiths Falls, will be held at the station theatre from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 6 at the Station Theatre, located at 63 Victoria Ave. in Smiths Falls.

Presenters include:

Manuel Stevens, retired Parks Canada planner for the Rideau Canal;

Fiona McKean, owner of the Opinicon Resort at Chaffey’s Locks;

Ken Watson, author of several books on the Rideau Canal;

Anne-Marie Forcier, former executive director of the Rideau Heritage Route Tourism Association currently operating Rideau Tours at Chaffey’s Locks;

Joe Adams, journeyman’s carpenter, Rideau Canal Gate Shop, Parks Canada.

Admission is $20, or $10 for students.

RSVP at least three or four days before the event scheduled on Oct. 6.

To RSVP, email

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Lyse Prendergast Lyse Prendergast

Canada 150 'Paddle Down the Tay' this weekend

The Friends of the Tay Watershed Association are holding a Canada 150 event - 'Paddle Down the Tay' - on Saturday September 16th.


The guided visit starts at 10:00am, at Perth's Last Duel Park, and will tour 10 kms. of the Tay to Beveridge Locks.  Along the way, paddlers will:

  • be introduced to local flora and fauna by Shaun Thompson, retired biologist with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; over 40 species of birds have been documented here over the years (
  • visit historic sites, including the Last Fatal Duel in Canada, and Lock Five of the 1834 Tay Canal
  • take a brief stop at RVCA's Perth Wildlife Reserve dock and Tay Marsh viewpoint
  • be introduced to one of the most diverse streams in the region
  • optionally, join the International Coastal Cleanup Day; cleaning up our waterways and oceans ( ). Note, individual participation in the cleanup on this tour is optional (materials supplied).  
  • enjoy refreshments and a get-together at Beveridge Bay, after locking through Upper and Lower Beveridge Locks.

Transportation will be available, back to Perth to pick up vehicles (please advise if need ed). There is no cost for this trip (and no charge for the locks, thanks to Parks Canada’s Canada 150 Program). 

Please confirm by e-mail or telephone – at:    
Telephone:  (613) 264 0094 or 267 2079
The Friends of the Tay Watershed Association                                                   

‘We all live downstream …. !’

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