Voting opens October 10th for Aviva Community Fund

The BRLA Environment Committee has submitted a proposal to the Aviva Community Fund for a research study grant - and we need your help!

If awarded the Community Resilience Aviva Community Fund grant, the BRLA will begin a research project in partnership with Carleton University, where we will be looking at the causes of some of the issues many of us have observed recently on our beloved lake:

  • Key Big Rideau Lake food chain species [golden shiner] have almost vanished over the past 3 years.
  • A significant decline of a once robust nesting and transient loon population.
  • There is a [scientifically] revolutionary and substantial change in water focused raptor local ecology.
  • A robust Double Crested cormorant colony on Big Rideau Lake had 100% mortality of chicks in 2017.
  • There is recent vast and unusual over production of lake algae with little identification of impacts, causative factors and possible solutions.

Click here to read our full proposal.

Now comes the real challenge – we MUST show our community’s support of this project. Your support is a vital component of our campaign. We’re counting on you!

Voting opens Tuesday October 10th, and ends Thursday October 19th. Each registered person has 18 votes and we ask for your support by casting all 18 in favour of the BRLA project, reference # 17-364.


1. Register NOW to vote on the Aviva Community Fund page  -

2. When voting opens on Tuesday October 10th, cast your 18 votes for the BRLA proposal. Voting closes October 19th; please don't miss this short window of time.

Remember, all 18 votes can be cast at once, there is no need to spread your voting over several days. And all 18 votes can (and should!) be cast for one project - ours!

3. Spread the word!  Ask your family, friends, neighbours, co-workers, anyone you can think of, to register now; remind them on Tuesday when voting opens, then follow up before voting closes on October 19th to make sure they voted.


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