Big Rideau Lake Association

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Update on TRL Official Plan Update Process

The Township of Rideau Lakes is embarking on a major update to its Official Plan. The purpose of the Official Plan is to ensure that future planning and development meets the community’s needs, and regular updates are required under the Planning Act. As part of this update process, there have been a number of public consultation exercises to identify what those needs are, including public meetings and surveys. The next item on this agenda is an Open House on Waterfront Development.

Open House: Waterfront Development

Friday July 12, 2019
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Portland Community Hall
24 Water Street

As part of the Community Consultation Strategy for the Official Plan Update there will be an Open House to discuss Waterfront Development on July 12, 2019 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Portland Community Hall at 24 Water Street, Portland, Ontario. This session will include topics such as fish habitat, vegetated shorelines and ensuring the water setback is consistent with the United Counties’ Official Plan. 

Any additional feedback on the Official Plan Update is welcomed at any time during or after the Open House. Please contact staff by phone, email or appointment to provide comments to help staff and Council gain a greater understanding of what you would like to see in the updated Official Plan. 

For more information on the Major Official Plan Update, to submit comments or to add your email to our notification list please contact Brittany Mulhern, Manager of Development Services at or 613-928-2251 ext. 244

The Official Plan Update Community Consultation Strategy can be found online here.

Survey #3: Resilient Communities

Deadline: Thursday, June 13

The Resilient Communities theme was identified by the public as an important topic to review as part of the Official Plan Update. This theme consists of several topics that play a role in the ability of the municipality to manage development to help our communities adapt to environmental, social, and economic changes that present new challenges to the community at large. These topics are climate change, social resiliency, the adaptive reuse of historical buildings, community improvement plans, our ability to rehabilitate contaminated lands, and environmental servicing options. This survey was created to receive public feedback on Discussion Paper #2 - Resilient Communities. A summary of the Discussion Paper can be found here

Complete the survey online here by end of day on Thursday, June 13.