2018 Lake Links Workshop

The 17th Annual Lake Links Workshop is set for Saturday October 20th, 2018, at the Perth Civitan Hall.

Doors open at 8:30, registration cost $25 (includes lunch).

This year’s theme is “Our Lake, My Responsibility – Our Reward”. Lake community members, scientists and organizations across Eastern Ontario join to learn, network and see what’s new. Key topic this year is the importance of good stewardship - active lake stewardship programs, what others are doing on their property and how those actions are affecting our lakes. Register at watersheds.ca/lakelinks2018 or contact Melissa Dakers at dakers@watersheds.ca, 613-264-1244. And please bring a food donation for the Perth Food Bank.

See agenda details below.


Election Results!


Parks Canada Bulletin - End of Season Operations on the Rideau Canal