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Cow Island Clean-Up Work Party

  • Cow Island Portland, Ontario Canada (map)

We've got lots to do to get Cow Island ready for all our summer activities and events. On Saturday June 15th, we are assembling a work crew to tackle a few chores. As we all know, many hands make light work so we hope to see as many people as possible on hand to help out.

Just to give you an idea of the kind of jobs we'll be tackling:

  • cut grass

  • sweep cabin and outhouse

  • wipe down surfaces

  • burn brush by firepit

  • put new picnic tables outside 

  • set up inside tables for day camp.

  • check BBQ's for function and fuel

We'll be meeting on Cow Island at 10 am, and lunch will be served for all our helpful volunteers. If you can join us, even for just a few hours, please let Rod or Brenda know at 613 447 1185 or

October 15

Shoal Markers - OUT

June 29

Annual General and Special Meeting of Members